Arrangers' Rating
215282461440617771 placeHello dears! My name is Marina Minakova. I am a guitarist, arranger, author of covers for acoustic guitar of many popular songs and musical compositions.
I try to make arrangements for the guitar as simple as possible, for the guitarists of the initial levels. But at the same time, all my covers is quite accurate and beautiful sounding.
Here are my arrangements for guitar popular songs and melodies in the fingerstyle. Sheets music, tabs, Guitar Pro (GPX) files are presented.
All good mood! -
1463811013692 placeRussian Federation, Москва
718720440618583 placeRussian Federation, Новосибирск
476513132035774 placeHello! I'm Vladimir Panokin.
The GuitarSolo project presents my best arrangements for acoustic guitars (sheet music and tabs). All the presented arrangements are presented with video and gpx file (GuitarPro format).
I graduated from the pop and jazz department in the guitar class of the Musical College of Moscow, and for more than 30 years I have been working as a teacher in Zhukovsky (Moscow region). The accumulated experience allows me to create sheet music and tabs of high quality for guitarists with almost any level of preparation.
Accessibility and beauty is the main guide for me when creating a guitar arrangement. -
39549724516175 placeHello! My name is Igor Gorohov. I am a musician, teacher, author of popular arrangements for guitar.
This is my account on and here are my best arrangements for a six-string guitar. Arrangements with pleasure are played by my students, myself, and a large number of guitarists in different countries.
"Adjusting" arrangements (convenience, fingering) is in practice, so everything that is placed here is playable. I do not like to play plays that ALL guitarists play, I search for unusual music, or I try to do something that no one else has done (or better, or make it easier :)).
For consultations on the execution of my arrangements, guitar lessons - lessons on Skype, contact - mrpedagog -
361412214144806 placeRussian Federation, Москва
30715221944617 placeRussian Federation, Иваново
29869820673928 placeRussian Federation, Москва
2526129101040210 place
222067132230911 placeRussian Federation, Москва
193054125927212 place
190237114132113 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-ПетербургHello! I'm Alexei Nosov. Guitarist, musician and arranger!
I am the organizer of the first Russian acoustic guitar festival (fingerstyle)
Official representative of the guitar brand GMD.
Here are my arrangements for an acoustic guitar. Sheet music, Tabs, GPX files (GuitarPro)
I wish everyone happiness and inspiration! -
1803103101930314 place
1762131124937115 placeKazakhstan, Алматы
1758171104644316 placeArgentina, CorrientesHola amigos!! My name is Leonardo Ramos, I'm a guitarist from Argentina. I'm graduated from the conservatory in Buenos Aires.
Here you'll find some of my Fingerstyle arrangements for the guitar. I play diferent styles such as Tango, Classical Music, Popular Music, Rock and Blues. Sheets music, tabs, Guitar Pro (GPX) files are available.
You can follow me on Instagram and YouTube.
Привет друзья!! Меня зовут Леонардо Рамос, я гитарист из Аргентины. Я окончил консерваторию в Буэнос-Айресе.
Здесь вы найдете некоторые из моих аранжировок Fingerstyle для гитары. Я играю в разных стилях, таких как танго, классическая музыка, популярная музыка, рок и блюз. Ноты, Табы, файлы Guitar Pro (GPX) доступны. -
169850125128917 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
168117133027818 place
16116888537119 placeRussian Federation, Москва
156668110044120 placeRussian Federation, ВолгоградMy name is Roman Khokhlachev. I am a guitarist, arranger, guitar teacher from Russia. Also, for more than 20 years I am the head and arranger of the band of Gypsy songs and romances "EMERALD" (in tandem with his wife).
On presented my best covers and arrangements of popular songs and famous music (sheet music and tabs), made with great love! -
14165196038521 placeRussian Federation, Самара
13787485518822 placeRussian Federation, Пермь
12634781012223 placeRussian Federation, Саранск
116240104911124 place
11515857322025 placeRussian Federation, БарнаулHello!
Usually a guitarist’s story about himself begins with a music school, school, etc., then concerts, teaching, etc. It all turned out differently from me :)
In my entire life I have not taken a single guitar lesson, and the first instrument appeared only at the age of 17.
In 2015, I lost my business, lost my job, but got a lot of free time in return. I made the first arrangement after I watched a dozen fingerstyle-style videos on YouTube. I got so carried away that I began to work on arrangements for 8 hours a day, and one fine day decided that I would become a musician. Now music is my life!
Like and subscribe to my channel: -
10862968525426 place
104713101921427 placeRussian Federation, Томск
101559467628028 placeRussian Federation, СеверскHello! I Shchenitsyn Konstantin Eduardovich, was born in 1962 in the Seversk city of Tomsk region.
In 1979 he graduated from the Seversk Music School in the class of guitar.
In 1984 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Musical College as a variety department in the guitar class.
Since 1983 he has been a teacher in the class of classical and variety guitar at the music school in the city of Seversk. He wrote more than 760 pieces for guitar.
Here are my most interesting arrangements for guitar in sheet music and tabs formats. Also there are files in the format GuitarPro (GPX). -
9734860519129 place
9621270132530 placeRussian Federation, Москва
9351084879631 place
9188363835232 placeIsrael, Маалот-ТаршихаHi, I'm Evgeniy Shushkovskiy. I am a guitarist, arranger, author of covers for acoustic guitar of many popular songs and musical compositions.
The GuitarSolo project presents my best and most popular arrangements for a six-string acoustic guitar. Each arrangement has notes and tabs.
Good luck in learning! -
903316338833 placeRussian Federation, Москва
8333558327534 place
8035466511135 placeRussian Federation, Нижний Новгород
77712834219236 place
7611957120537 place
7503752315738 placeRussian Federation, Екатеринбург
6891143812539 placeHi, my name is Yuriy Polezhaev.
I am a guitarist, arranger, guitar teacher. Twice in a row, winner of the international Fingerstyle-style guitar competition (Sigma Guitar's and Tommy Emmanuel) 2015/2017. Organizer Fingerstyle Festival "Mr. Guitar" Russian Fingerstyle Festival.
The GuitarSolo project presents my best and most popular arrangements for a six-string acoustic guitar. Each arrangement has notes, tabs and files of the GuitarPro format. -
6864056212440 placeRussian Federation, KrasnodarComposer and guitarist. Over 35 years of creative activity, he composed a large number of plays for the guitar of various genres and styles. In addition to music for the guitar, he wrote many songs and audio tracks for children's fairy tales. Guitar teacher at the Children's Art School. Two higher educations. Physical, mathematical and musical.
Along with the compositions of plays for the guitar of a romantic and blues-jazz plan, he devoted a great place in guitar music to polyphony. He performed a large number of arrangements for the guitar of European composers of the 17-18 centuries. These arrangements are combined into a rather voluminous collection of polyphonic pieces for the guitar, and a large number of author's polyphonic pieces are also presented there.
The works of Valery Dzyabenko are published in Russian and Ukrainian sheet music for the classic six-string guitar. -
6805932814341 placeRussian Federation, Тюмень
6573839222642 placeGermany, город КёльнHello! I am Mikhail Goldort!
GuitarSolo has my best arrangements for a six-string guitar. Format - Sheet Music.
Graduate of the Novosibirsk State Glinka Conservatory.
He performed at many international festivals. Solo concerts of the guitarist and concerts with the orchestra are held in the best halls of Russia and Europe.
In 1996, in one of the most authoritative guitar magazines "Classical Guitar" (England) appeared a review of M. Goldort's disc.
In 2000, the American publishing house "Tascuny Publications" published a play by the famous English composer John Duarte "Lirique Valse", which the composer dedicated to Mikhail Goldort.
Along with the original guitar music, the repertoire of the guitarist has many of his own musical transcriptions of Mozart, Persel, Debussy, Stravinsky, Chopin, and also fantasies on the themes from the operas of Gluck, Verdi, Bizet, Rossini and Purcell.
Since 2005 I live in Germany (Cologne) and continue teaching and concert activity. -
567361793644 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-ПетербургПривет! Меня зовут Андрей Аксенов. Вот несколько фактов обо мне:
• Фингерстайл-гитарист, композитор и преподаватель.
• Основатель школы фингерстайла:
• Эндорсер гитар Baton Rouge, La Mancha, звукоснимателей K&K и язычковых барабанов Orion Drum.
Здесь вы можете скачать табы/ноты и разучить мои лучшие гитарные аранжировки - они составлены максимально подробно, с описанием всех перкуссионных приемов. Желаю вам отлично провести время с гитарой :) -
543242866945 placeRussian Federation, МоскваЗдравствуйте друзья!
Я профессиональный музыкант. Преподаватель и автор переложений для гитары.
Закончил Московский Государственный Университет Культуры. Стаж музыкальной деятельности более 20 лет. Участник многочисленных коллективов и музыкальных проектов.
Мне очень нравится, когда гитара звучит как маленький оркестр, где мелодия, бас и аккомпанемент дополняют друг друга. В занятиях с учениками стараюсь привить любовь к ритму и гармонии, и то же самое воплощаю в своих аранжировках. -
5283624710246 place
51710533117047 placeRussian Federation, Тюмень
4315815214548 placeHello! I am known as Arturka - Guitar. I am a guitarist, arranger, author of acoustic guitar covers for many popular songs and musical compositions.
Here are my arrangements for the guitar of popular songs and melodies in the style of fingerstyle (Finger-style). Sheets music, tabs, Guitar Pro (GPX) files are presented.
Wish you all the best :) -
423401707149 placeRussian Federation, Курск
423571338150 placeRussian Federation, НовосибирскЯ, Евгений Викторович Лысак - профессиональный классический гитарист и композитор из Новосибирска. Сочиняю музыку не только для гитары, но и для фортепиано. Много делаю обработок различных пьес и песен для гитары любого уровня сложности. Выпустил один сборник для гитары: Хрестоматия " Новые имена" с собственной музыкой и четыре сборника для фортепиано своих произведений. Есть канал на ютубе, где я исполняю различную музыку на гитаре. Всегда рад сотрудничеству с любителями гитары и профессиональными гитаристами.