Sheet music and tabs

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  • The Show Must Go On - Queen
    Snow Falls - Andrei Eshpai
    Love Song - Viktor Lebedev
    Beautiful Far Away - Evgeny Krylatov
    Zemfira's Songs Medley - Zemfira
    Capricorn Run - Oleg Kopenkov
    A Song About Bears - Aleksandr Zacepin
    Aquarius - Oleg Kopenkov
    A Scorpion Like a Tarantula - Oleg Kopenkov
    Bear's Lullaby - Evgeny Krylatov
    People - Daite Tank
    Alona Shvets' Songs Medley - Alona Shvets
    Valentin Strykalo's Songs Medley - Valentin Strykalo
    Lyrics - Yuriy Klinskikh
    Fallen Down - Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Fly Me to the Moon - Bart Howard
    Friendship - Paul Marcel
    I'll Buy You a House - Sergey Korzhukov
    In the Constellation of Libra - Oleg Kopenkov
    Greensleeves - English folk song
    In the Rain - Oleg Kopenkov
    Courante - Evgeniy Shushkovskiy
    A Round Dance of Snowflakes - Oleg Kopenkov
    Cubana - Patrick Benham
    Here you can purchase and download quality guitar arrangements, adaptations and covers (sheet music, tabs, gpx, gp) directly from top ranked arrangers. All arrangements and covers are verified before publication, and we offer special discounts for purchases of multiple guitar covers and arrangements in a single order.
    If you make music, arrangements and adaptations for guitar on your own and know how to write guitar sheet music and tabs (e.g. using GuitarPro) - please see our special offer for you HERE