Russian Rock Music for guitar

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  • Rain - Yuriy Shevchuk
    Where are You? - Moralnyy kodeks
    Take My Heart - Aria
    Two Candles - Aleksandr Marshal
    Cuckoo - Viktor Tsoy
    Memories of Past Love - Mikhail Gorshenov
    Lyrics - Yuriy Klinskikh
    Going to the Run - Barry Hay
    Don't Say Anything - Rock-Ostrova
    Ashes in the Wind - Alik Granovsky
    Radio Mayak - Sergey Timofeev
    Jester’s Anthem - Andrey Knyazev
    Bowl - Aigel
    Bear - Mikhail Gorshenov
    Sarah Baraboo - Maksim Leonidov
    Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer - Jimmy McHugh
    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    Forester - Mikhail Gorshenov
    Petropavlovsk - Oleg Abramov
    Easter - Yuriy Klinskikh
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    If you make music, arrangements and adaptations for guitar on your own and know how to write guitar sheet music and tabs (e.g. using GuitarPro) - please see our special offer for you HERE