Sheet music and tabs: Composer Sergey Trofimov (16)

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    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    I'll Put the Sky Under Your Feet - Sergey Trofimov
    Snowbirds - Sergey Trofimov
    Across the Still River - Sergey Trofimov
    Sochi City - Sergey Trofimov
    Wind in My Head - Sergey Trofimov
    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    Sochi City - Sergey Trofimov
    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    Moscow Song - Sergey Trofimov
    You are My Light - Sergey Trofimov
    God What a Trifle Thing - Sergey Trofimov
    I'll Put the Sky Under Your Feet - Sergey Trofimov
    First Love - Sergey Trofimov
    Doves - Sergey Trofimov
    Guitar arrangements and adaptations in sheet music and tabs format composer Sergey Trofimov.