Sheet music and tabs: Composer Viktor Tsoy (82)

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  • You and Me - Viktor Tsoy
    Cuckoo - Viktor Tsoy
    Cuckoo - Viktor Tsoy
    Cigarette Pack - Viktor Tsoy
    Cigarette Pack - Viktor Tsoy
    Cigarette Pack - Viktor Tsoy
    Anthill - Viktor Tsoy
    The Last Hero - Viktor Tsoy
    Cuckoo - Viktor Tsoy
    Red-Yellow Days - Viktor Tsoy
    When Your Girlfriend is Sick - Viktor Tsoy
    Cigarette Pack - Viktor Tsoy
    Seen the Night - Viktor Tsoy
    Sadness - Viktor Tsoy
    Watch Yourself - Viktor Tsoy
    Viktor Tsoy's Songs Medley - Viktor Tsoy
    Cigarette Pack - Viktor Tsoy
    Sad Song - Viktor Tsoy
    Summer Will End - Viktor Tsoy
    Good Night - Viktor Tsoy
    Guitar arrangements and adaptations in sheet music and tabs format composer Viktor Tsoy.