Russian Folk Songs for guitar

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  • Thin Rowan - Russian folk song
    In the Garden - Russian folk song
    Thin Rowan - Russian folk song
    Steppe and Steppe Around - Russian folk song
    Birch Stood in the Field - Russian folk song
    Years Young - Alexander Borisov
    Hail - Mikhail Glinka
    Peddlers - Yakov Prigozhiy
    Peddlers - Yakov Prigozhiy
    Not For Me Will Spring Come - Russian folk song
    What is the Night For? - Russian folk song
    I Believed, I Believed, I Believe - Russian folk song
    Walks Along the Don - Russian folk song
    Loaf - Unknown author
    Chubby - Russian folk song
    My Room is Light - Aleksandr Morozov
    Steppe and Steppe Around - Sergey Sadovsky
    Peddlers - Russian folk song
    Rash, Talianka, Tinkle - Grigoriy Ponomarenko
    Grasshopper - Russian folk song
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