Soviet songs and music for guitar

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  • We Wish You all the Happiness - Stas Namin
    A Farewell Song - Gennadiy Gladkov
    Dark Eyes - Florian Hermann
    Sports March - Isaak Dunayevskiy
    Song of the Magic Flower - Yuriy Chichkov
    The Team of Our Youth - Aleksandra Pakhmutova
    In the Grass Grasshopper Sat - Vladimir Shainsky
    Song of Toys - Evgeny Krylatov
    A Song About Bears - Aleksandr Zacepin
    Bear's Lullaby - Evgeny Krylatov
    Friendship - Paul Marcel
    Men - Nikolay Starchenkov
    Overture - Isaak Dunayevskiy
    I do not Regret, do not Call, do not Cry - Grigoriy Ponomarenko
    Intizar - Nushaba Muradova
    Cheers! - Isaac Luban
    Marusya - Aleksandr Zacepin
    Flip Flight - Evgeny Krylatov
    Nocturne - Arno Babadzhanyan
    I Wish I Had a Peek - Evgeny Krylatov
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