Russian Romances for guitar

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  • Red Sundress - Aleksandr Varlamov
    I'll Never Forget You - Aleksey Rybnikov
    Artist (Romance) - Andrey Zubaliyev
    Romance - Georgy Sviridov
    Birthday - Anatoliy Novikov
    The Grove of Gold Talked Me Out of It - Grigoriy Ponomarenko
    Romance - Andrey Zubaliyev
    A Waltz of Expectation, a Waltz of Promise - Anatoliy Lepin
    Romanson - Sergey Solnov
    Under the Caress of a Plush Blanket - Andrey Petrov
    Years Young - Alexander Borisov
    The Grove of Gold Talked Me out of It - Grigoriy Ponomarenko
    I love - Efim Rosenfeld
    Forget it - Oleg Kopenkov
    An Open Heart - Andrey Zubaliyev
    It's a Little Frustrating - Oleg Kopenkov
    First Meetings - Oleg Kopenkov
    A Month Above the Window - Evgeny Popov
    Hey, Guitar Friend - Boris Fomin
    Under the Caress of a Plush Blanket - Andrey Petrov
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