Music from Computer Games for guitar

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  • Promise (Reprise) - Akira Yamaoka
    Tarantella Napoletana - Luigi Ricci
    Kass' Theme - Manaka Kataoka
    Fallen Down - Toby "Radiation" Fox
    Around the Fire - Jeremy Soule
    Dragonborn from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" - Jeremy Soule
    Morrowind - Jeremy Soule
    Ezio's Family - Jesper Kyd
    The Bare Necessities from "Jungle Book" - Terry Gilkyson
    Departure - Alexey Omelchuk
    Wolfduck Stage from "Darkwing Duck" - Yasuaki Fujita
    Dragonborn (Skyrim) - Jeremy Soule
    The Bridge from "Darkwing Duck" - Yasuaki Fujita
    The Last of Us (easy version) - Gustavo Santaolalla
    Bayside Waltz - The Wimshurst's Mashine
    OST Syberia 2 (Main Theme) - Inon Zur
    Metro 2033 (Main Theme) - Alexey Omelchuk
    Peddlers - Russian folk song
    OST The Long Dark (Main Theme) - Cris Velasco
    Kaer Morhen (OST The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) - Marcin Przybyłowicz
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