Song of the Bandits

Gennadiy Gladkov Composer

The Bremen Town Musicians The Movie


Six-string guitar arrangement by Marina Mirakova for Gennady Gladkov's "Song of the Bandits".

What you get:

  • Arrangement File Guitar Pro 6 GPX
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

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Очень хорошо, особенно здорово и тему применён приём скольжения по оплетке басовой струны.

Other arrangements from Marina Mirakova
From the Heroes of Bygone Days - Rafail Hozak
The Ecstasy of Gold - Ennio Morricone
Grass Near the House - Vladimir Migulya

The sound quality is a guitar player’s everything. Each player has a unique, one-of-a-kind sound, and its quality depends on the hand position.