Ciao Bambino, Sorry

Mireille Mathieu Performer


Six-string guitar arrangement by Pavel Klen for Mireille Mathieu's "Ciao Bambino, Sorry".

What you get:

  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

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Где моя покупка????Авторская аранжировка для шестиструнной гитары от Павла Клён на песню "Чао, Бамбино (Ciao Bambino, Sorry)" из репертуара Мирей Матье.
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Other arrangements from Pavel Klen
Thaw - Konstantin Meladze
Waltz of the Flowers - Pyotr Todorovskiy
Old Maple - Aleksandra Pakhmutova

Every time you have a chance to play for people - do it. Even if it’s a small crowd - take the chance and play for them. It’s only when you exert yourself you actually realize the size of your talents.