Oh, Viburnum is Blooming

Isaak Dunayevskiy Composer

Kuban Cossacks The Movie


Six-string guitar arrangement by Sergey Bogomolov for Isaak Dunayevskiy's "Oh, Viburnum is Blooming".

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  • Sheet Music PDF

Feedbacks and comments 2

Adaptation accuracy
Fingering convenience
Quality of sheet music/tabs

Сергей, привет! Очень душевно!

Спасибо Григорий. Очень ценно слышать оценку из уст специалиста, хорошего музыканта и хорошего человека!

Other arrangements from Sergei Bogomolov
Czardas - Vittorio Monti
Tico Tico no Fuba - Zequinha de Abreu
Prelude (E-moll) - Yuriy Filippovich

Before you start practicing, set the goals for today’s session. For example, Goal 1. Play a song all the way through in at a slow paste. Goal 2. Work on the hardest part where you keep making mistakes etc.