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Ibanez AEB8E-BK - Bas-guitar


  • Manufacturer: Ibanez
  • Manufacturing country: Indonesia
  • Type: AEB8E-BK
  • Number of strings: 4
  • Size: 4/4
  • Number of frets: 22
  • Fret markers: Available on both guitar neck and fretboard
  • Average price: $1353.38
  • Features: Cutaway, Trussrod, Pickup, Preamplifier (preamp)


  • Soundboard: Agathis
  • Bottom deck: Agathis
  • Body sides: Agathis
  • Guitar neck: Mahogany
  • Fretboard: Rosewood
  • Bridge: Rosewood
  • Soundboard color: Black


The Ibanez AEB8E-BK is a 4-strings Bas-guitar that produced in Indonesia.

Guitar Ibanez AEB8E-BK made of Agathis and Agathis.

This guitar has the following features: Cutaway, Trussrod, Pickup, Preamplifier (preamp)

The guitar Ibanez AEB8E-BK is suitable for expert guitarists.

Inaccuracies and errors, grammatical as well, made in the guitar description can be reported at [email protected]


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