Farewell to the Motherland (polonaise)

Mikhail Oginski Composer


Six-string guitar arrangement by Vladimir Panokin for Mikhail Oginskiy's "Farewell to the Motherland (Polonaise)".

What you get:

  • Arrangement File Guitar Pro 6 GPX
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

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здраствуйте.сколько стоит(полонез)огинского.табы с пальцами ? полностю Все пальцы над табулатуре в нотах !!! без видео.в фомате pdf.там если не ошибаюсь 4 листика

Other arrangements from Vladimir Panokin
Still Got Тhe Вlues - Gary Moore
Woman In Love - Barry Gibb
Because - John Lennon and Paul McCartney

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