Danza de la Luna

Atahualpa Yupanqui Composer


Six-string guitar arrangement by Leonardo Ramos for Atahualpa Yupanqui's "Danza de la Luna".

What you get:

  • Arrangement File GP
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

Feedbacks and comments 4

Roland Hotzy

Dear Mr. Ramos,
I would like to buy your partitura with tabulatura with "Danza de la Luna"
by Atahualpa Yupanqui. But I don´t know how I can pay the amount wich
you demand for.
The only way I know is by "Western Union" to send you the money you demand for your tabulatura.
For this I need to know your locations name
With best regards R. Hotzy

Thank you so much, for your interest in purchasing this music sheet. I know, it's getting a bit more difficult to operate here. I'll be happy to help with that, please, feel free to send me an e-mail to leo_guitarsm@hotmail.com

Best regards

Leonardo Ramos

Roland Hotzy

Estimado Sr. Ramos,
cómo puedo conseguir su partitura con tablatura
de Alemania ?
Me gustaría tener la melodía "Danza de la Luna"
por Atahualpa Yupanqui de usted.
Con saludos cordiales
R. Hotzy

Roland Hotzy

Estimado Sr. Ramos
Por favor, disculpe el segundo correo.
He pasado por alto su respuesta.
Le enviaré mi correo electrónico a la dirección que me ha proporcionado.
Tal vez entonces puedas decirme cómo enviarte transferirte el dinero.
Con saludos cordiales
(traducción con "DEEPL")
R. Hotzy

Other arrangements from Leonardo Ramos
Milonga de San Vicente (Argentine Folk) - Juan Buscaglia
Mi Viejo Rancho (Argentine folk) - Juan Buscaglia
La Cuartelera (Argentine folk) - Eduardo Falu

Playing the apoyando bass is one way to accentuate the bass part, damp unused strings and acquire stability for your hand. Learn how to play all bases in the apoyando technique. There are few exceptions.