Sheet music and tabs: Composer Maksim Dunaevsky (31)

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  • All Will Pass - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Bad Weather - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Bad Weather - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Maple Leaf - Maksim Dunaevsky
    The Wind of Change - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Maple Leaf - Maksim Dunaevsky
    City Flowers - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Song of the Princess Zabava - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Ballad of Athos - Maksim Dunaevsky
    The Wind of Change - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Call Me - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Fortune Teller - Maksim Dunaevsky
    The Song of the Musketeers - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Leaves are Burning - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Bad Weather - Maksim Dunaevsky
    The Wind of Change - Maksim Dunaevsky
    The Lion and the Barber - Maksim Dunaevsky
    33 Cows - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Bad Weather - Maksim Dunaevsky
    All Will Pass - Maksim Dunaevsky
    Guitar arrangements and adaptations in sheet music and tabs format composer Maksim Dunaevsky.