Modern Classical Music for guitar

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  • Tuesday - Oleg Kopenkov
    On Monday - Oleg Kopenkov
    Two Happy Days - Oleg Kopenkov
    Spring Marathon - Oleg Kopenkov
    Etude "Nightingale" - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Windsong - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Clouds in the Sky - Oleg Kopenkov
    Spare Waltz - Oleg Kopenkov
    A Waltz - Oleg Kopenkov
    Etude #7 - Evgeniy Pozhidayev
    Etude #6 - Evgeniy Pozhidayev
    Orient Express - Andrey Zubaliyev
    There's an Aspen Tree in the Field - Oleg Kopenkov
    The Old Carousel - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Menuet #23 - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Menuet #24 - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    And Lastly, I'm Gonna Go - Oleg Kopenkov
    The Dandelions Have Bloomed - Oleg Kopenkov
    No it's not for Nothing... - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Etude #130 - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    Here you can purchase and download quality guitar arrangements, adaptations and covers (sheet music, tabs, gpx, gp) directly from top ranked arrangers. All arrangements and covers are verified before publication, and we offer special discounts for purchases of multiple guitar covers and arrangements in a single order.
    If you make music, arrangements and adaptations for guitar on your own and know how to write guitar sheet music and tabs (e.g. using GuitarPro) - please see our special offer for you HERE