
Стинг Исполнитель

Кейт и Лео Кинофильм


Авторская аранжировка для шестиструнной гитары от Алексея Носова на саундтрек Стинга "Пока (Until)" к фильму "Кейт и Лео".

Внутри товара:

  • Ноты и табы в формате PDF
  • Файл аранжировки в формате Guitar Pro 5 GP5
  • Файл аранжировки в формате Guitar Pro 6 GPX
Текст песни и аккорды "Until - Стинг"
Verse 1:
Gbm E D
If I caught the world in a bottle
Bm Db Gbm E D
And everything was still beneath the moon
Bm Db
Without your love would it shine for me
Gbm E D
If I was smart as Aristotle
Bm Db Gbm E D
And understood the rings around the moon
Bm Db
What would it all matter if you loved me

Bm E A
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
Gbm D
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Bm E A
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Gbm D
Not a solitary thing would I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end
Gbm E D
If I caught the world in an hour-glass,
Bm Db Gbm E D
Saddled up the moon so we could ride
Bm Gbm D Bm
Until the stars grew dim, until:

Verse 2:
Gbm E D
One day you'll meet a stranger
Bm Db Gbm E D
And all the noise is silenced in the room
Bm Db
You'll feel that you're close to some mystery
Gbm E D
In the moonlight and everything shatters
Bm Db Gbm E D
You feel as if you've known her all your life
Bm Db
The world's oldest lesson in history

Bm E A
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
Gbm D
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Bm E A
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Gbm D
Not a solitary thing Do I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end
Gbm E D
Oh, if I caught the world in an hour-glass
Bm Db Gbm E D
Saddled up the moon then we would ride
Bm Gbm D Bm Db Gbm D Bm
Until the stars grew dim, until the time that time stands still, until...

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