Un-break My Heart

Дайан Уоррен Композитор

Тони Брэкстон Исполнитель


Авторская аранжировка для шестиструнной гитары от Павла Дашкевича на песню Тони Брэкстон "Не разбивай мое сердце (Un-break My Heart)".

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Текст песни и аккорды "Un-break My Heart - Дайан Уоррен"
Bm Em A F#
Don't leave me in all this pain, don't leave me out in the rain.
Bm Em A F#
Come back and bring back this smile, come and take these tears away.
Bm Em A F#
I need your arms to hold me now, the nights are so unkind.
Bm Em A
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me.

F# Dm Gm C
Un~Break my heart, say you'll love me again.
A Dm
Un~do this hurt you caused
Gm C
when you walked out the door and walked out of my life.
A Dm Gm C
Un~cry these tears, I've cried so many nights.
A Dm A F#
Un~Break my heart..... My heart.

Verse 2:

Take back that sad word goodbye, bring back the joy to my life.
Don't leave me here with these tears, come and kiss this pain away.
I can't forget the day we laughed, time is so unkind.
And life is so cruel without you here beside me.

Un~Break my heart, say you'll love me again.

Un~do this hurt you caused
when you walked out the door and walked out of my life.
Un~cry these tears, I've cried so many nights.
Un~Break my heart...

Bm Em A F#
Don't leave me in all this pain, don't leave me out in the rain.
Bm Em A
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me.

Dm Gm C
Un~Break my heart, say you'll love me again.
A Dm
Un~do this hurt you caused
Gm C
when you walked out the door and walked out of my life.
A Dm Gm C
Un~cry these tears, I've cried so many, many nights.
Un~break my...
Dm Gm C A
Un~break my heart oh baby come back and say that you love me.
Dm Gm C A
Un~break my heart sweet darling, without you I just can't go on.
Dm Gm C A
Say that you love me, say that you love me, tell me you love me, un~break my.

Отзывы и комментарии 1

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