Folk Music for guitar

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  • In the Cherry Orchard - Ukrainian folk song
    Hungarian Dance 3 - Konstantin Shchenitsyn
    I'd Take the Bandura - Ukrainian folk song
    Greensleeves - English folk song
    You Tricked Me - Ukrainian folk song
    Kamazhai - Kazakh folk song
    The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
    River - Belarusian folk song
    Dede (Estilo criollo) - Julio Salvador Sagreras
    Milonga en Do - Jose Pierri Sapere
    El Zorzal (Estilo) - Julio Salvador Sagreras
    Greensleeves - English folk song
    Canciones de mi pueblo - Jose Pierri Sapere
    Mazurca - Jose Pierri Sapere
    Quimera de Otoño (Milonga) - Victor Velazquez
    Si Bheag Si Mhor - Turlough O'Carolan
    El Forastero (Milonga) - Carmelo Rizzuti
    Anochece en el llano - Alejandro Spinardi
    Aire de Carnavalito (Argentine folk) - Geronimo Bianqui Pinero
    Fantasia Flamenco - Aleksey Ladygin
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