Song About Friendship

Viktor Lebedev Composer

Midshipmen, forward The Movie


Electric guitar arrangement by Oleg Kurguzov for Viktor Lebedev's "Song About Friendship".

What you get:

  • Sibelius Score SIB
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

Feedbacks and comments 2

Анатолий Генералов

Олежка, привет! Рад видеть тебя!

Ого! Приветствую! Взаимно))

Other arrangements from Oleg Kurguzov
Autumn - Yuriy Shevchuk
Imagine - John Lennon
In the Dugout - Konstantin Listov

Ignoring a finger notation system created by a competent author is a common mistake among learners who often seek for the most convenient position but miss the key role of fingering.