Vladimir Malganov

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  • Arrangements (128)
  • Comments (2)
  • Vladimir Malganov, Guitarist
    Я преподаватель гитары высшей категории, автор и исполнитель. Являюсь лауреатом международных конкурсов как исполнитель и композитор ( Беларусь, Литва, Россия, Швейцария, Украина).
    • Registration date: 31.07.2018 17:31
    • Profile views: 12240
    • From: Беларусь, Минск
    Sheet music and tabs - Vladimir Malganov
    Of Roma of a Young - Gypsy folk song
    Another Brick in The Wall - Rogers Waters
    Tramp - Russian folk song
    Dark Eyes - Florian Hermann
    Two Guitars - Ivan Vasiliev
    What a Moonlit Night! - Ukrainian folk song
    Ah, It is not yet Evening - Russian folk song
    Eastern Song - David Tukhmanov
    Antelope at the Source of the Zambezi - Oleg Kopenkov
    Nane Tsoha - Gypsy folk song
    Minstrel Hall - Ritchie Blackmore
    The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree - Leonid Beckman

    All guitar arrangements by the author Vladimir Malganov (128)