Marina Kosobriukhova

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  • Arrangements (16)
  • Comments (1)
  • Marina Kosobriukhova, Guitarist
    Hello, I am a guitar player and a beginner arranger. Here are all my arrangements and arrangements for a six-string acoustic guitar. Each arrangement is presented in the form of notes, tabs and a GuitarPro 5 format file.
    • Registration date: 18.12.2019 21:14
    • Profile views: 10786
    • From: Россия, Саратовская область, Балаково
    • V Kontakte: id194875773
    Sheet music and tabs - Marina Kosobriukhova
    You Tricked Me - Ukrainian folk song
    In the Garden - Russian folk song
    Toss a Coin to Your Witcher - Sonya Belousova
    The Passage - Yuri Vizbor
    Lone Accordion - Boris Mokrousov
    A Furious and Stubborn - Bulat Okudzhava
    Old Mill - Igor Nikolayev
    Puppets - Andrey Makarevich
    Russian Guy on Fire Doesn't Burn - Aleksey Goman
    Lyrics - Yuriy Klinskikh
    Lyrics - Yuriy Klinskikh
    I Like to Move It - Eric Morillo

    All guitar arrangements by the author Marina Kosobriukhova (16)