
Paul McCartney Composer

The Beatles Performer


Six-string guitar arrangement by Natalia Kiseleva for The Beatles' "Yesterday".

What you get:

  • Sheet Music PDF
  • Arrangement File GP (Easy version)
  • Arrangement File GP
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

Feedbacks and comments 1

Наталия, спасибо за красивую аранжировку! Легкие элементы джаза как ягоды и фрукты на торте «Павлова» - органичное дополнение известного вкуса безе неожиданными гастрономическими нотками)

Other arrangements from Nataliya Kiselyova
Samba em Preludio - Baden Powell
Nunca vas a Comprender - Rita Payes
Rises the Moon - Liana Flores

Every time you have a chance to play for people - do it. Even if it’s a small crowd - take the chance and play for them. It’s only when you exert yourself you actually realize the size of your talents.