Elegy #3 (Fibonacci Numbers)

Andrey Golvikh Composer


Original piece for six-string guitar by Andrey Golvih titled "Elegy #3 (Fibonacci Numbers)".

I wrote down a series of Fibonacci numbers and assigned a specific note to the diatonic major scale for each digit, where 1 is do to, 2-re, etc. 8 - again do, 9 - re, 0 - si. Over each digit of the series, I wrote a corresponding note. Among this endless sequence of notes, I found many interesting motifs and even phrases that I collected in this work, adding the remaining voices.

What you get:

  • Arrangement File Guitar Pro 6 GPX
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

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Ignoring a finger notation system created by a competent author is a common mistake among learners who often seek for the most convenient position but miss the key role of fingering.