Song of Captain Vrungel

Georgy Firtich Composer

Zinoviy Gerdt Performer

Adventures of Captain Vrungel The Movie


Six-string guitar arrangement by Egor Frisk for Georgy Firtich's "Song of Captain Vrungel".

What you get:

  • Arrangement File Guitar Pro 5 GP5
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

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Отлично получилось!
Сразу всплыл в памяти мотив из м/ф-ма "Бюро находок" :
"Вам вернут в бюро находок
Ваш учебник и тетрадь,
Но пожалуйста, не надо
Чувство юмора терять...." ))

Other arrangements from Egor Frisk
Our House - Andrey Makarevich
My Love - B2Band
Come Along - Splean

At the very beginning of your guitar learning path, it’s important to focus on the sound itself and make sure that musical notes are played smoothly and connected.