Por Una Cabeza

Carlos Gardel Composer

True Lies The Movie


Six-string guitar arrangement by Maxim Chigintsev for Carlos Gardel's "Por Una Cabeza".

This tango has sounded in many movies, starting with "Tango bar", and in others, such as: "True lies", "Delicatessen", "Schindler's List".

What you get:

  • Sheet Music PDF
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF
  • Arrangement File Guitar Pro 6 GPX

Feedbacks and comments 6

Adaptation accuracy
Fingering convenience
Quality of sheet music/tabs


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Adaptation accuracy
Fingering convenience
Quality of sheet music/tabs

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Juvenal Coelho

Lovely piece of music

Lorenzo Sordini

Hello. I tried to purchase Por Una Cabeza for guitar but the transaction has been declined by PayPal. Any other way to purchase and receive it?

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Other arrangements from Maxim Chigintsev
In the End I Will Tell - Andrey Petrov
Away From the Earth - Maxim Chigintsev
Beautiful Far Away - Evgeny Krylatov

Ignoring a finger notation system created by a competent author is a common mistake among learners who often seek for the most convenient position but miss the key role of fingering.