Dream a Little Dream of Me

Fabian Andre Composer

The Mamas & The Papas Performer


Six-string guitar arrangement by Natalia Kiseleva for Fabian Andre's and Wilbur Schwandt's "Dream a Little Dream of Me".

What you get:

  • Arrangement File GP
  • Sheet Music & Tabs PDF

Feedbacks and comments 3


I cannot read Russian. How can I order the score for Dream a little dream of me
Wonderful playing

Just select English in top or bottom of website and try to buy it via paypal. All simple. If you will have any problem write to support@guitarsolo.info


Hi! I bought the arrangment of dream a little dream of me but I Can`t download the pdffile.
Please Can you send it to me.
Renato Gamba

Answered your email.

Other arrangements from Nataliya Kiselyova
Last Night's Rain - Nataliya Kiselyova
Happy Birthday - Mildred Jane Hill
Moon Blue - Stevie Wonder

As long as you play for yourself only, remember about the self-reflection. Be your own justice, the one who sees it all and understands, but remains honest and uncompromising.